City Transportation Grant Denied - So, What’s Next for Us ?

Lafayette’s application for Active Transportation Program (ATP) grants has not been recommended for funding by the State of California Department of Transportation. This includes our Safe Route to Acalanes dedicated bike and pedestrian path project.

Out of 454 state-wide applications, 49 projects were recommended for funding. Only one of those is located in Contra Costa County. Why?

Among other reasons, according to Lafayette Engineering and Public Works Director Mike Moran, all projects that were recommended for funding were for projects that could claim they are serving a disadvantaged community.  This shows how competitive state grant funding has become and how the number of opportunities for Lafayette seem to be on the decline.

That being said, this is why we need your help! We need private dollars to make this dedicated path a reality. So please consider making a donation through our partner Sustainable Lafayette. GIVE NOW!


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